Sunday, June 30, 2013

Please Tell Me What My Poem is About

On Friday, our National Writing Project group met in Centennial Park in downtown Ft. Myers, and started with a writing prompt based on a poem by Carol Anne Duffy, "Valentine."  Her poem defines a valentine by what it is not, and Stacey (our fearless leader) challenged us to find something in the park to write about, and describe it for what it is not.

I chose the Caloosahatchee River, and I modeled my poem closely on Duffy's which you can find here.  But my poem...well, I'm not sure what it is about. Thus, I was unable to title it to give the readers a hint.

I have posted it here.  I would love to hear from anyone who has an idea about what this poem is about.  There are no wrong answers.  It flowed out of me, and this is what it is...I have a slight idea of what it may be about, but I'd love to hear from you: comment here, or email, or Facebook.  Have fun!

This Poem Has No Title
Caloosahatchee River at sunset, March 2012

Not a place to glide or meditate.

I give you a place to nearly drown.
It promises to make you struggle,
like a roping of chains
impossible to tangle.

it will hurt your feet to walk,
the gritty sandstone cutting your feet.
It will broadcast your agony
not your grace.

Not high real estate
and sunset views.

I give you a deep blue something
that changes depending
on where you stand,
"possessive and faithful
as we are,
for as long as we are."

Plunge in,
unite with its fresh and salt water.

Take a deep gulp.

its essence will be
infinitely soothing;
a holy baptism sustaining.

1 comment:

  1. It reminds me of facing your fears; you struggle so much to try to face them and you feel as if it's impossible to face but as soon as you face it you get this feeling of relief and soothing because it's finally over.
