Wednesday, March 19, 2014

All We Gotta Do Is...

This week a lot of things have blown up in public education.  In our illustrious state of Florida, our commissioner announced they have hired a company to produce tests for next year.  The big deal with this is that it didn't take long for everyone to figure out that this company is highly connected to several other aspects of what is happening in education; the most high profile piece is that they are the company that created VAM -- the unstable and unreliable scoring system for teachers.

In addition, the Florida Legislature is moving toward an even larger voucher program -- never mind it was declared unconstitutional not long ago -- and up to a billion dollars in taxes may go to that, if the legislation passes through.

And we got word that a certain prominent educator in our county thinks the TEACHERS are the ones creating the pressure to teach to these tests.

Okay now.

I maintain a positive direction and focus on my own classroom.  I have been reading quite a bit this break about literacy in the United States today -- fascinating.  It has made think of my own literacy journey and how different it is for the kids today.  My students.  Our future.  The ones we are over-testing and under-educating because of it.

To lighten this blog message, check out this "protest" song by Hugh Laurie.  Although there seems to be a lot of things happening, and many people offering solutions, I am not always sure the answer is clear. 

 Click here if video isn't present.

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