Can I go to the bathroom?
Get out your books and read
He has my pen.
Who took my backpack?
Shut up
We don't say shut up
Be quiet and read
Can I go to the library?
Can I go to the office?
Can I get a drink?
Quit talking and read
There's a lizard in the room!
There are ants on my table!
He threw something at me
He has my pen
Quit touching her hair
What does "ye tang che" mean?
Totally hopeless
Shut up!
We don't say shut up
What do we say?
Be quiet
Can I print something off the computer?
Can I do TeenBiz for my Civics class?
Can I go to the library?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I get a drink?
Can I turn this in to the office?
Turn in your homework
Keep your hands to yourself
What does "ye tang che" mean?
Utterly exhausted
What page are we on?
Open your book
Get to work
Turn in to the tray when you are done
Where do I turn this in?
In the tray for this class
Can I sit at this table?
Can I sit outside and read?
Can I sit in the corner and read?
Can I go to the library?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I get a drink?
Can I do TeenBiz for my dance class?
Do the work for this class
She took my pencil
He took apart your pen, Ms. Sadler
Shut up
We don't say shut up
What do we say?
Be quiet
Listen for instructions
What were the instructions?
Listen for instruction
What was the instruction?
How come we don't do the orange vocabulary books?
How come you don't give us a list of vocabulary words?
Do you want a list of vocabulary words?
Why do we have to do Springboard?
Why do we have to do TeenBiz?
When are we going to write in our writer's notebooks?
Every class is like you're trying to teach us to be politicians or something, we are always discussing issues.
It's called critical thinking. It's what we do.
Why would anyone ban Captain Underpants?
I don't understand why they would censor Fifty Shades of Grey. It's just about sex and that's natural.
No, I don't think everyone should get a trophy for showing up.
Yes, I think physical activity does help my brain.
Yes, middle-schoolers should be tested for drugs.
Can we have a brain break?

Can we debate?
Is there a debate class in school?
This is that class.
Can I go to the library?
Can I turn my homework in tomorrow?
Can I still do that assignment?
Can I go to the bathroom?
Can I get a drink?
What does "ye tang che" mean?
Be Fearless.
Thanks. I needed this.